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An Online Health and Wellness Newsletter You Can Actually Use

An Online Health and Wellness Newsletter Can Help Employees Take the First Step Toward Better Health

Helping employees adopt and maintain healthy behaviors is at the core of every wellness program. To have healthy behaviors employees must first start with education and awareness. A good online health and wellness newsletter can give employees the start they need.

online health and wellness newsletter, online health and wellness programs, online wellness services

For employers, the challenge is to find a wellness newsletter that has accurate, evidenced based help in wellness articles that are written by trusted authorities.

The World Wide Web makes all health and wellness information available to everyone. The information on the web comes from a wide array of sources. These sources range from peer-reviewed science on one end to complete fabrications filled with lies and outright deceptions on the other end.

It’s wonderful to have such easy access to so much information. However, it’s difficult to identify information that is accurate and trusted from information that is not.

employee wellness newsletter streamed, online health and wellness programs, online wellness services

Employees who have access to an accurate health and wellness newsletter have a better chance of living healthy. This type of lifestyle will prevent chronic diseases and improve quality of life. By itself, a wellness newsletter will have little effect on employee health.

But when it is combined with a comprehensive wellness program, a good online health and wellness newsletter can be a nice addition to any wellness program. Give employees accurate, helpful information at the right time and they will be more likely to improve health behaviors.

WellSteps clients use our wellness newsletter, but more importantly they also use our behavior change challenges and programs. WellSteps Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC) is a good example of how we help people change.

A Good Newsletter is Hard to Create and Costly to Buy

Health and wellness newsletters can be used to share healthy living tips, news, and wellness ideas. For wellness programs that have the luxury of having both the staff and resources to create their own wellness newsletters they still face the challenge of finding good content.

There is a constant flow of press releases, news, and health and science discoveries which make it difficult to keep up.

This is complicated by the difficult task of finding content that is produced by trusted authorities. Some wellness programs can choose to work with a wellness newsletter vendor that can create and print custom newsletters but these can cost up to $12 per person per year.

And now that everybody has a mobile device printed materials are pretty much a thing of the past.

Today, a good online health and wellness newsletter should be delivered to any web enabled device, especially mobile devices. In the next decade just about everybody will be using their mobile devices for just about all communication needs.

What Should a Wellness Newsletter Include?

In short, wellness newsletters should be a good, reliable resource for employees. If you have a wellness program, the health and wellness newsletter should include information about current challenges and incentives. It can also be a great place to promote wellness programs that are running that month. It is important to share valuable information with employees that will build a relationship with them, knowing that their employee cares about their health. In addition to information about the wellness program, it is important to include reputable information about current health topics and wellness ideas.

For companies that do not have a current wellness program but want to start a wellness newsletter for their employees, it would be beneficial to include healthy living tips and wellness news. Employees may also enjoy learning about produce that is in season, new forms of exercise and mental health tips. Wondering how you can start a health newsletter? First, find reputable sources. WellSteps has taken the liberty to create a an online newsletter full of health and wellness information. Learn more here.

Here Is Your the Online Health and Wellness Newsletter- Wellness News You Can Use

To create the Wellness News You Can Use newsletter, WellSteps hired a dedicated employee to search for and post the most current and accurate health and wellness information. Here is the direct link to the Wellness News You Can Use online newsletter.

It is updated frequently with the most accurate, interesting, attractive, and user-friendly content we can find on the web. We keep the content fresh and up-to-date.

This wellness newsletter only uses the most reliable sources of content: including the New York Times, medical journals, the Cleveland and Mayo clinics, universities, and other trusted sources.

However, once you click on an article you’ll be taken to a content partner and you’ll probably see some ads.  That’s the way the web works these days.

The Wellness News You Can Use online newsletter is just getting started. New articles are being added daily and a video library is coming soon. All the articles are searchable and you can browse major topics like fitness, nutrition, and health.

The value of this online health and wellness newsletter is the effort that goes into finding and posting health and wellness articles that come from trusted sources. With so much misinformation out there, you now have a single location where you and your employees can get trusted health information on a variety of wellness topics.

Submit your ideas: If you have other articles or sources of reliable health and wellness content we’d love to hear about it. You can email your ideas to

health and wellness newsletter, online health and wellness programs, online wellness services

How to Use the Wellness News You Can Use Newsletter

Here is the direct link. You can check it out for yourself:

  1. WellSteps customers add this link to their company’s wellness page.  It’s constantly updated so you’ll always have access to a fresh and interesting wellness newsletter.
  2. Customers share the link with your employees and ask them to bookmark it.

Your employees are going to spend time browsing the web so you might as well give them some outstanding, health promoting content.