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Top Employee Benefits Brokers with Stellar Wellness Programs

The top employee benefits brokers offer insurance wellness programs, as savvy benefit brokers know that robust wellness solutions improve employee wellbeing, productivity, and morale while reducing overall healthcare costs. 

Wellness should be a key factor in choosing a benefits broker. Brokers that prioritize wellness can help you identify which vendors are the best fits for your unique needs, and they can often get better rates and pass those savings on to you. 

Here, we explain how working with wellness program brokers can benefit your organization plus list 37 of the top employee benefits brokers that offer exceptional wellness programs.

Wellness broker leads an open enrollment meeting onsite to a group.


  • Insurance brokers with effective wellness programs offer significant benefits, including reduced healthcare costs, greater productivity, improved morale, expert advice, quick implementation, wellness savings, and program customization
  • Evaluate wellness program brokers on client and culture fit, references, and cost and expected benefits
  • Top employee benefits brokers with wellness programs include Ollis/Akers/Arney, Nesso Group, Epic Insurance Brokers & Consultants, GBS, Huntington Insurance, Holmes Murphy, Lockton Affinity, and Marsh McClennan Agency. A total of 37 brokerages are listed below

Why Choose an Employee Benefits Broker that Offers Wellness Programs

Organizations that choose employee benefits brokers with robust wellness programs enjoy the following benefits.

1. Reduced Healthcare Costs

Wellness programs are proven to reduce healthcare costs by improving employee wellbeing, as nearly 70% of healthcare costs can be attributed directly to poor lifestyle behaviors

People who live a sedentary lifestyle, for example, incur an additional $1,313 in annual healthcare costs (CDC), while smokers average an additional $2,056 per year. Programs that foster true behavior change can reduce or eliminate many of those costs.

RELATED: Impact of Employee Wellness Programs on Healthcare Costs

2. Greater Productivity

Wellness programs also influence productivity by reducing presenteeism – when employees continue to work even though they’re not feeling well. Presenteeism is:

  • 28% higher for smokers
  • 66% higher for unhealthy dieters
  • 50% higher for those who do not exercise

Again, behavior change campaigns that improve overall employee health can have a dramatic impact on presenteeism and therefore productivity.

RELATED: The Correlation Between Wellness Programs and Increasing Productivity in the Workplace

3. Improved Morale

Effective insurance company wellness programs help create a sense of belonging and a family-oriented atmosphere, which ultimately boosts employee morale. This, in turn, influences organizational success, as publicly traded companies with award-winning wellness programs yield 13% greater returns than their peers. 

RELATED: Improve Employee Morale with Wellness Programs

Employee summitting a hike as part of the wellness program.

4. Expert Advice

Top employee benefits brokers routinely evaluate and vet wellness programs, so they can help identify which best fit your organization’s culture and needs. When you work with wellness program brokers, you can skip trial and error and avoid wasting investment on programs that aren’t right for you.

“Working directly with the broker allows for a consultative approach. The broker can analyze the health claims and design the wellness program to reduce those claims where possible,” says Cameron Black, Advisor/Director, Corporate Wellness Consulting at Ollis/Akers/Arney

“An example of this could be a high percentage of claimants with high cholesterol who are on medications. An educational program along with a walking program could reduce the number of employees that take medication.”

RELATED: 15 Wellness Engagement Ideas to Build a Culture of Wellness

5. Quick Implementation

Experienced employee benefits insurance brokers streamline wellness program implementation. They leverage vendor relationships and deep industry knowledge to accelerate setup and minimize delays for a swift and successful launch.

RELATED: Start a Wellness Program by Asking These 10 Questions

6. Savings

Many health benefits brokers have existing relationships with vendors that allow them to get better rates, and they can pass those savings on to your organization. Insurance carriers often provide better rates for companies that have wellness programs, and wellness vendors typically provide discounted pricing to broker clients.

“Another reason to work directly with a broker is the ability of the broker to utilize the results of the wellness program in his or her discussion with the insurance underwriters,” Cameron says. “The narrative that the client is working diligently to contain healthcare costs through the wellness program is a positive solution in the eyes of the underwriter and can lead to better renewal rates.”

RELATED: Proof Wellness Programs in the Workplace Make You Money

7. Customization

The top employee benefits brokers can connect you with vendors that offer highly customized programs that achieve measurable results. 

However, the unfortunate reality is that many major insurance companies claim to offer “free” wellness programs, but they’re not really free – wellness is just baked into their costs. Moreover, these programs often don’t lead to true behavior change and they offer little to no customization. In contrast, they’re one-size-fits-all, which means they don’t fit most organizations. It’s best to avoid these types of wellness offerings.

A truly tailored, customized, and well-thought-out program that matches the culture of your organization will yield many more benefits.

Broker reviewing the details of a wellness program with client.

Learn From The Best

How to Evaluate Wellness Program Brokers
Cameron Black, Advisor/Director, Corporate Wellness Consulting at Ollis/Akers/Arney, says it’s imperative to evaluate the following when choosing brokers for wellness programs:
Client and Culture Fit: “The program has to fit the client and their culture. One size does not fit all, and the lack of personalization can be detrimental to the results that you are looking for. It is incredibly important to fully understand the client before creating the program, and most times a ‘crawl, walk, run’ approach makes the most sense.”
References: “I think it is fair to ask for testimonials and proven results from other clients. Everyone’s experience will be different based on their commitment, but you will get a sense of what to expect and find out some of the pitfalls to avoid.”
Cost and Expected Benefits: “Wellness has become a nice thing to offer as a broker service. However, many brokers who offer wellness put no time, effort, or finances into their programs. It is merely something to say that they have. It is important to evaluate the cost of the program relative to its expected benefits. Consider both the initial investment and potential long-term savings from improved employee health and productivity.”

Top Employee Benefits Brokers with Wellness Programs

We’ve worked with each of the following employee benefits brokers and can attest to the quality of their wellness programs. As you evaluate brokers, we recommend exploring these options and comparing their programs to determine which is the best fit for your unique needs.

1. Ollis/Akers/Arney

Ollis/Akers/Arney is a benefits broker that has offered wellness programs for nearly 20 years. While their programming has evolved during that time, their philosophy has remained the same: they partner with clients looking to help their employees improve their health and wellbeing to enhance their culture and contain rising healthcare costs. 

“We like to meet with our potential clients and discover what their goals and objectives are for their business, and in particular, their health insurance program,” Cameron says. “Using this information, we craft a wellness plan outline and review with the client. We share our vision of how the program will impact them and decide on a move forward plan. We almost always use the ‘crawl, walk, run’ approach, which allows us to assimilate into the population without overburdening employees immediately.”

Program highlights include:

  • Plans focus on all facets of wellness, including physical, mental, financial, nutritional, and social
  • The firm employs interviews and surveys to identify areas of need, then provides education and programming designed to make a positive impact
  • Ollis/Akers/Arney’s wellness director regularly meets with its internal health benefits team to ensure their program is impacting the health of the group and to gain insight into areas that need to be addressed
  • Clear, consistent communication – both internal and external – allows the firm to provide a positive experience with proven results

In addition to wellness programs, Ollis/Akers/Arney hosts an annual Wellness Conference that attracts 300 clients and features a nationally recognized wellness presenter. Attendees leave armed with skills and tools to take back to their organizations and a sense of excitement for what they can do to help improve their culture.

2. Nesso Group

Formerly known as Bongiovanni Insurance and Financial, Nesso Group offers wellness consulting and custom programming through a transparent, proactive approach designed to empower employees. Moreover, their brokers offer various programs that focus on the “whole” employee to improve wellness at work and at home. 

Program highlights include:

  • Provides an individual corporate wellness partner to offer guidance. They meet with leadership to understand goals, develop a plan with targets over time, track progress (with software), educate, and provide accountability
  • Spanish-speaking staff offers greater accessibility
  • Promises real results such as improved productivity, reduced absenteeism, and better employee health

3. Epic Insurance Brokers & Consultants

Epic Insurance Brokers & Consultants offers wellbeing program strategy development and guidance through “The Well.” Moreover, this brokerage is focused on holistic wellbeing and positive, long-term behavior change through programs that align with company culture. 

Program highlights include:

  • Inclusive programming with resources that address Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)
  • Vendor sourcing and management
  • Financial and incentive recommendations
  • Wellbeing campaigns (including tobacco cessation) and educational webinars
  • Survey tools to understand employee needs, interests, and program effectiveness
  • Integrates claims data with wellbeing benchmarks

4. GBS

GBS helps develop health insurance wellness programs that focus on employee experience to improve health, boost morale, increase productivity, and lower healthcare costs. The company employs advanced analytics alongside technology to foster a culture of wellness across all facets of work life: recruitment, work environment, communication, and benefits. Each program is holistically designed and customized to help organizations gain a competitive advantage in the labor market.

Program highlights include:

  • On-site health screenings
  • Wellness events
  • Online resources
  • Personalized health coaching
  • Rewards consulting

5. Huntington Insurance

Huntington Insurance offers custom employee benefits packages that encompass plan design, administration, analytics, compliance, and wellbeing. The broker’s wellness programs are designed to be fun, engaging, and supportive rather than intrusive. Huntington Insurance identifies which dimensions of wellness matter most and takes a data-driven approach to predict which initiatives will help achieve strategic goals. 

Program highlights include:

  • A focus on total employee wellbeing, including financial and mental wellness
  • Caregiver benefits and family planning resources
  • Occupational health programs
  • Surveys and engagement scorecards

6. Holmes Murphy

Holmes Murphy believes every client is unique and understands that employees are multigenerational and complex, so it conducts extensive research to develop a customized wellness program employees will engage in and benefit from. 

Program highlights include:

  • Improved social connections
  • Physical health risk awareness
  • Reduced emotional health stigma and avoidance
  • Decreased stress and anxiety
  • Improved productivity and decreased tardiness, absenteeism, and turnover

7. Lockton Affinity

Lockton Affinity helps organizations choose wellness programs that foster employee wellbeing, help attract and retain talent, and make it easier to manage costs. The broker takes a holistic approach to wellbeing and offers customized solutions that drive engagement, improve work performance, increase attendance, and promote overall satisfaction.

Program highlights include: 

  • A focus on achievable and sustainable behavior changes
  • Advice and resources to improve employee experience and engagement
  • Competitive rewards
  • Analytics to measure effectiveness

8. Marsh McClennan Agency

Marsh McClennan Agency’s approach to wellness is multifaceted. The brokerage consults on vendor selection and helps organizations develop multi-year wellness strategies, offers on-demand learning resources, and provides wellbeing playbooks to help build effective programs. 

Program highlights include:

  • Comprehensive, data-driven strategies that support the “whole” person while reducing costs
  • Four dimensions of wellness (physical, mental, social, and financial)
  • Customed plans with metrics tailored to each organization
  • Employee satisfaction surveys and scorecards to measure program value
Individual purchasing healthy fruit to promote health.

Additional Benefit Brokers that Offer Wellness Programs

You can also explore these insurance brokers that offer wellness programs.

  1. Nava Benefits
  2. Advantage Benefits Group
  3. AIA Alera Group
  4. Alliant Employee Benefits
  5. Bella Medical Associates, PLLC
  6. Benefits Management Group
  7. Bim Group
  8. Stuart Benefits Consulting
  9. Central Insurance Services
  10. Dickert Insurance
  11. FBMC Benefits Management Inc.
  12. Fitotrain
  13. FSA Risk + Benefits
  14. Gallagher
  15. Hawk Advisors
  16. HUB International Limited
  17. ICUL Servicecorp
  18. IMA
  19. InnoveMind
  20. Keenan and Associates
  21. My Virtual Resources
  22. NFP
  23. Parrish & Gwinn Insurance Group, LLC
  24. Peterman Benefits
  25. R.L. Evans Company, Inc.
  26. The Rhodes Insurance Group
  27. USI Insurance Services
  28. Houchens Insurance Group
  29. Wisterm
Employees volunteering as part of the employee wellness program
Amplify Wellness Benefits with WellSteps
For Organizations: The benefits broker you select can have a significant impact on overall costs, especially when employee health is a major driver of healthcare expenses. We recommend choosing a broker that invests in its wellness offerings and partners with proven, award-winning vendors like WellSteps to deliver effective programs that influence real, sustainable behavior changes. Contact us to schedule a demo and get a list of brokers we have worked and partnered with.
For Brokers: Learn more about our Wellness Program Broker Partnership to discover how you can provide WellSteps at a discounted rate to your clients. You can also explore our reseller program to create your own branded wellness offering.