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Dr. Steve Aldana

Dr. Aldana is the CEO of Wellsteps, a worksite wellness solution that leads the nation in wellness program deployment and engagement. Dr. Aldana authored over 75 scientific papers and 7 books on health risk management, healthy living, and health promotion programs. He has given over 350 keynote speeches across the U.S. on the ability of good nutrition and regular exercise to prevent, arrest, and reverse many chronic diseases.

9 Workplace Well-Being Activities to Skyrocket Employee Productivity

Workplace well-being activities have become more essential than ever, especially as job burnout is now a prevalent factor in resignations across America. A 2020 report from Gallup, an analytics firm, revealed that 74% of employees have experienced symptoms of job burnout. These symptoms stem from… Read More »9 Workplace Well-Being Activities to Skyrocket Employee Productivity

Group yoga class outdoors.

16 Staff Wellness Activities for Creating a Healthier Workplace

A good employer or supervisor must develop some excellent staff wellness activities to improve the organizational culture of their workplace. Failure to improve staff wellness could reduce employee productivity and diminish the company’s reputation and profitability. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the… Read More »16 Staff Wellness Activities for Creating a Healthier Workplace