Outcomes-based Wellness Programs: An Example from the Real World
Outcomes-based wellness programs are effective. Do them wrong and you can destroy employee morale. Here is all you need to do them right.
Learn how wellness incentives play a critical role in driving employee participation and engagement in health programs. Discover how offering rewards, such as gift cards or discounts on insurance premiums, encourages healthier behaviors and increases participation rates. Wellness incentives are a key factor in achieving higher engagement and promoting long-term behavior change in workplace wellness programs.
Outcomes-based wellness programs are effective. Do them wrong and you can destroy employee morale. Here is all you need to do them right.
This article provides is a list of 18 employee well-being program incentive ideas from the nation’s best corporate wellness programs.
It’s that time of year again when we all make resolutions and strive to become healthier versions of ourselves. The goal of every effective workplace wellness program is to help employees achieve these goals. We typically accomplish this through a variety of workplace wellness challenges… Read More »How to Build a Workplace Wellness Challenge
Do wellness programs work? It depends. Good wellness programs have great outcomes because they avoid these common mistakes.
Every effective wellness program should be using incentives. They are an important part in helping employees stay motivated to make long-term behavior change. But sometimes wellness incentive programs become THE wellness program. The wellness program management, or the tracking, awarding, and processing of the incentives,… Read More »How Effective Wellness Programs do Wellness Incentive Management
Wellness program incentives help employees adopt and maintain healthy behaviors for the rest of their lives. Unhealthy behaviors drive chronic diseases, elevated health risks, and many employee-related expenses. Ask yourself these questions: Gift cards, insurance discounts, or T-shirts do not motivate people to maintain healthy… Read More »Wellness Program Incentives: The Complete Guide
Dear Reader, Employee wellness programs can transform lives and create healthy employees. Done correctly, wellness programs can prevent disease and improve quality of life for millions of workers. Years of wellness research and real world experience have been applied to these blogs about the best… Read More »Healthy Employees 2025: The Best Employee Wellness Program Ideas and Strategies
How Do You Increase Engagement for Wellness Programs? A wellness coordinator from a large bicycle manufacturing company was struggling to increase true wellness program engagement and get their wellness program to produce the kind of outcomes that the CEO wanted to see. They had excellent… Read More »How to Get Maximum Wellness Program Engagement: The Complete Guide
Wearables and wellness programs are here to stay. More and more companies are utilizing wearable fitness trackers as part of their wellness programs. Health wearables are small electronic devices that measure body movement, electrical activity, and a host of other human parameters. Right now, some… Read More »Wearables and Wellness Programs: The Complete Guide
Behavior change is the key to having a successful wellness program. The best worksite wellness programs keep the focus on the need to help employees adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Behavior change is the key to minimizing health risks, lowering the prevalence of chronic disease,… Read More »How the Best Worksite Wellness Programs Change Behavior