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5 Workplace Wellness Statistics Every Employer Should Know

Published Workplace Wellness Statistics Show the Benefits of Wellness Think of the different benefits employers typically offer. These could include a retirement or pension plan, healthcare, paid time off, or maternity leave. These tools help your organization recruit and maintain qualified employees. But, there are… Read More »5 Workplace Wellness Statistics Every Employer Should Know

Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC): What Your Wellness Program Needs

What is Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC)? Therapeutic Lifestyle Change is a set of tools, diet information, ideas, and programming designed to help individuals lower elevated health risks. TLC programs, as part of an overall wellness program, help individuals reduce the risk for heart disease through… Read More »Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC): What Your Wellness Program Needs

Why Health and Wellness in the Workplace is Important

Health and wellness in the workplace is crucial. Elevated healthcare costs are the biggest single risk most employers face. This requires employers to implement many different cost containment strategies such as offering high deductible health care plans, changing insurance carriers, reducing benefits, cost shifting, ceasing… Read More »Why Health and Wellness in the Workplace is Important