Do Wellness Programs Save Money?
To answer the question, “Do wellness programs save money?” we research. Only well run programs produce a positive return on investment.
To answer the question, “Do wellness programs save money?” we research. Only well run programs produce a positive return on investment.
There are 4 ways insurance brokers offer wellness programs to employers. Some do nothing. The best brokers partner with a trusted vendor.
Wellness program incentives help employees adopt and maintain healthy behaviors for the rest of their lives. Unhealthy behaviors drive chronic diseases, elevated health risks, and many employee-related expenses. Ask yourself these questions: Gift cards, insurance discounts, or T-shirts do not motivate people to maintain healthy… Read More »Wellness Program Incentives: The Complete Guide
Recent research findings now give us three huge studies that prove wellness programs in the workplace are a wise investment.
The wellness programs that have the best return on investment tend to exist in organizations with strong leadership support for employee wellness. What senior leaders do at our places of work is an important factor in our behavior. Here are some case studies and research… Read More »How to Get Leadership Support for Employee Wellness
It’s hard to keep wellness ideas fresh and effective. Here are some great corporate wellness activities, ideas, and initiatives for 2024.
How Do You Increase Engagement for Wellness Programs? A wellness coordinator from a large bicycle manufacturing company was struggling to increase true wellness program engagement and get their wellness program to produce the kind of outcomes that the CEO wanted to see. They had excellent… Read More »How to Get Maximum Wellness Program Engagement: The Complete Guide
The FREE Stop and Go Fast Food Guide is Our Favorite Health and Wellness Idea Corporate wellness initiatives are impactful when they empower employees to embrace healthier eating habits, engage in regular physical activity, and abstain from smoking. However, maintaining a nutritious diet challenges people… Read More »The One Corporate Health and Wellness Idea Everyone Likes… and It’s Free
Beginning a wellness program is a big decision. Here are 10 questions you should ask before you start employee health and wellness programs