wellsteps-runs-on-clean-energy - WellSteps

For the Future


Renewable Energy

From the very beginning, the plan was for WellSteps to be a forward looking company. First, we arranged things so that all of our employees could work remotely all the time. Next, we moved all of our technology to the cloud on AWS.

Lastly, the thing that makes us the most proud is that 100% of all energy consumed by WellSteps comes from renewable wind and solar sources. Operating in this manner, we plan for WellSteps to be around for the next 100 years.

people working from home
people working from home

Renewable Energy

From the very beginning, the plan was for WellSteps to be a forward looking company. First, we arranged things so that all of our employees could work remotely all the time. Next, we moved all of our technology to the cloud on AWS.

Lastly, the thing that makes us the most proud is that 100% of all energy consumed by WellSteps comes from renewable wind and solar sources. Operating in this manner, we plan for WellSteps to be around for the next 100 years.

Why we use renewable energy.

Here are the main reasons we made this commitment to clean energy:


WellSteps is based in Utah. Burning fossil fuels pollutes the air we breathe. Many scientists have concluded that fossil fuels are the main cause of climate change. 

Clean Energy

WellSteps now uses only clean energy produced from wind and solar sources. As an organization, we contribute zero harmful particulates to our environment.

Serious about Wellness

Wellness is more than just exercise and nutrition. We took a hard look at our policies and culture and made improvements to ensure our drive for wellness was the focus in all areas of our business.

What we do to keep it clean

At WellSteps, we are committed to making a positive impact on both employee wellness and the planet. As part of our environmental stewardship, we have implemented sustainable practices throughout our operations. From paperless communication to eco-friendly packaging, we strive to minimize our carbon footprint and promote a greener future. Additionally, our wellness programs often include initiatives that encourage environmentally conscious behaviors, such as promoting walking or biking to work and adopting healthier, plant-based diets. Together, we can create a healthier world for both individuals and the planet we call home.


What we do to keep it clean

At WellSteps, we are committed to making a positive impact on both employee wellness and the planet. As part of our environmental stewardship, we have implemented sustainable practices throughout our operations. From paperless communication to eco-friendly packaging, we strive to minimize our carbon footprint and promote a greener future. Additionally, our wellness programs often include initiatives that encourage environmentally conscious behaviors, such as promoting walking or biking to work and adopting healthier, plant-based diets. Together, we can create a healthier world for both individuals and the planet we call home.

Energy Credits

We purchase clean energy credits to ensure that all WellSteps power comes from clean sources. Regardless of how much electricity we use as a company, 100% of it comes from renewable sources like wind or solar.

Remote Employees

All WellSteps employees work remotely. Not a single WellSteps employee commutes to or from work. By not driving, we keep our harmful tailpipe emissions very close to zero.

Virtual Meetings

We encourage our WellSteps clients to use virtual meetings and conferences. Virtual meetings are less expensive and produce zero harmful emissions. Less travel means less pollution.

Wise Campaigns

To help our wellness customers be better stewards of our planet, we developed the “Earth Wise” behavior change campaign. This campaign is full of clean energy tips, strategies, and activities. 

Idea Sharing

We share our clean energy successes with others (like you) in hopes that other businesses and individuals will also have the desire to make a positive, long-term impact on our planet.