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List of Quizzeos

Below is the list of available quizzeos - a video with a quiz at the end. Talk to your WellSteps Guide for more information.

Physical Wellness Quizzeos

10-20 Years, The Choice is Yours Learn how making healthy choices now can add extra “high quality” years to your life.
      10-20 años, la elección es suya Aprender cómo las elecciones saludables que haces ahora añaden más años de alta calidad a tu vida.

Exercise Really is the Magic Bullet Beat the trend of physical inactivity and learn how to add simple forms of exercise to your daily routine.
     El ejercicio es realmente la bala mágica Combatir la inactividad física y aprender ejercicios sencillos para tu rutina diaria.

I'll Start My Diet on Monday Discover the truth about dieting and a better way to manage weight.
     Empezaré mi dieta el lunes Descubrir la verdad de las dietas y aprender a controlar tu peso.

Improving Health Over Time* This quizzeo is all about making small changes that lead to big health benefits in the long run.

Metabolism and Weight Loss: How You Burn Calories Read a short article about how metabolism and other factors affect weight loss.

Physical Activity Improves Health* Discover the physical and mental health benefits that come from physical activity.

Ready, Set, Stretch #1 Walk through a series of stretches to perform daily.

Ready, Set, Stretch #2 Walk through additional stretches to perform daily.

Strength Training 101 Benefits of strength training on the body, mind, and more.  

Sweet Dreams Learn why sleep is important and how to improve your quality of sleep.
     Dulces sueños Aprender la importancia del dormir y cómo mejorar la calidad de tu sueño.  

Types of Fitness* Learn about three types of fitness and simple ways to improve in each area.


 Mental and Emotional Wellness Quizzeos

Developing an Attitude of Gratitude The benefits of daily gratitude.

How to Cope with Stressful Situations Learn how problem-focused coping strategies can help you better manage stressful situations.

How to Look for Mental Wellness Support Resources and ideas to assist individuals on the
journey to improved mental wellness.

How Perceptions of Stressful Situations Affect Your Health Learn how to think about stress in a positive way to improve your overall health.

Meditation Matters Learn about the many benefits of meditation and how to add a meditation session into your daily habits.

Resilient Individuals Learn about the characteristics of resilient individuals and how you can become more resilient.

Responses to Stress: Bounce Up and Step Up Learn healthy ways to respond to stressful events in life and thrive as a result.

See Yourself As You Are Tips on how to better see yourself for who you are.

Stress Free Now Learn about the causes of stress, the way it impacts your body, and how to reduce stress now.
     Libre de estrés Aprender la causa del estrés, el impacto que tiene el estrés en tu cuerpo, y las técnicas que te ayudarán a reducir tu estrés diario.

Take Care of you When to use self-care instead of health care to treat common injuries and illnesses.
     Cuídate Aprender cuándo usar el sistema de atención médica.


Occupational Wellness Quizzeos

Goal Getter Learn the steps to set SMART goals and find success as you become a goal getter!

Time Management Learn the benefits of organizing your time and how to effectively prioritize and complete your to-do list.

Remote Work: Wellness at Home Tips for improving and maintaining wellness while
working from home.


Nutritional Wellness Quizzeos

All About Whole Grains* Discover the benefits of eating whole grains instead of refined grains as part of a healthy diet.

Eating Healthy at Home* Learn new skills to help you eat healthier at home.

Healthy Eating on the Go* An overview of the fast food guide and how to order healthier options at fast food restaurants.

Healthy Fast Food Discover the truth about fast food and how to make healthy choices when eating out.
     Cómo encontrar comida rápida saludable Descubrir la verdad de la comida rápida y aprender a tomar decisiones saludables al salir a comer. 

Hydration: Every Sip Counts! The benefits of drinking water.

Macronutrients Overview An introduction to macronutrients, their roles in the body, and
their food sources.

Myth Busters: Healthy Food is Inconvenient* Tips for making healthy food more convenient.

Nutrition Plans: Friend or Foe? Finding quality nutrition plans that promote sustainable
healthy eating habits.

Principles of Intuitive Eating Being mindful of what, when, and why you eat.

Swapping Bad Fats for Good Health* This quizzeo walks through the four types of fat, which fats to eat, and what fats to avoid.

The Basics: Food Labels How to read and understand food labels.

The Prudent Diet* The why and how of eating a prudent diet with a focus on reducing sugar intake.

What's in Your Grocery Cart? Rethink what you put in your grocery cart using these healthy shopping tips.
     ¿Qué hay en su carrito de la compra? Usar estos consejos para hacer las compras.

Whole vs. Processed Foods* Learn why it is better to eat whole foods instead of processed foods and how to do that.

Why Eat More Fruits and Vegetables?* Learn about the health benefits from including more fruits and vegetables in your diet.


Financial Wellness Quizzeos

Shopping Healthy on a Budget Tips for making healthy and cost-effective choices while grocery shopping.

Understanding Financial Wellness Principles for developing healthy money habits – now
and in the future.


Social Wellness Quizzeos

Creating a Healthy Home Environment* Simple strategies to encourage family members to be healthier with you.

Developing Healthy Social Media Habits Tips for a healthier social media experience.

Getting Involved in Your Community Improve social wellness with community involvement.

Rock Solid Interpersonal Relationships Tips for building and maintaining strong
interpersonal relationships.

Supporting Individuals with Mental Health Challenges Ideas to show support to those with
mental health concerns.


Biometric Quizzeos

BMI Education Read a short article about portion control and how to make it work for you.

BMI Continuing Education Learn about BMI, how it works and what you can do to reach a healthy BMI.

Cholesterol Education Read a short article about cholesterol and how to improve your cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol Continuing Education Read a short article about cholesterol and how to improve your cholesterol levels.

Glucose Education Learn about the ABCs of Diabetes and how to lower your health risks.

Glucose Continuing Education Learn about glucose testing and how to lower your glucose number.

Blood Pressure Education Read a short article about understanding and controlling high blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Continuing Education Read a short article about understanding and controlling high blood pressure.


Names in English and Spanish IF Spanish has been created.
*Denotes this quizzeo was created from a TLC module video